Walking on Broken Glass

Touch Down…Think Touchdown

Our pharma client was in need of showing the body parts that were the most susceptible to developing sores, because of immobilization during a prolonged hospital stay. Those parts are the ones that ‘touch down’ on the bed sheets as described by my art director. Our product was a high end moisturizing lotion. So I started thinking touch down in a thousand different directions. That was my link.

We devised a translucent screen to shoot through that would help feature those particular body parts. We tried varying degrees of pressure on the screen by the amount our model leaned onto the material. It was lighted from the front and rear, which enabled us to discern the shape of the affected parts perfectly from the overall silhouette of our model’s body.

Here comes the ‘touchdown’ idea…the material we used for the screen was the same that’s used for football pants. This material stretches evenly in all directions, and has the perfect amount of translucency. Our model was able to stretch our pant material screen without causing any disturbing stress pulls in the material. ”Touchdown”.

The source that we found for the pant material was able to supply close to a hundred different colors, all in 6’ widths. Our seamless background paper was a perfect color match to the pant material, with the help of additional color gels.

The art director’s idea, my solution and a great model talent all scored a touchdown and made people happy.